Friday, March 16, 2012

Concerning London & Oxford

This is a short post, because basically Natasha has written the most amazing post about our long weekend in London / Oxford. You can find it if you click here. After reading that, you can be less-astounded and read my Top 10 Highlights of the weekend (cue introductory Top-10 music, ala Letterman).



1. The Eurostar

Taking the Eurostar is almost like taking a plane, except it's a train, and there's slightly less hassle. We packed croissants and apples and sweet bread with us, and the gently rocking cariage soon sent us to sleep. We woke up in England.

2. Kevin S. Flee (the 'S' stands for Superamazingawesome)

Kevin and I met back in 2009 (really?), when we were both in bands that no longer exist. Although I didn't know him very well back then, it turns out Flee is about the most amazing tourguide in the world, and he'll even take the day off work (did I mention he works in a recording studio? refer back to previous comment about his awesomeness) to show you around LondonTown. 'Twas a beautiful day, as we strolled along St James' park, waved at the Queen, bought musical trinkets on Denmark Street and ate possibly the most delivious meals of our lives at Burrough Market. Kevin is legit. If you're ever in London, look him up. I'm just glad I have a friend there. And that that friend is Kevin. Because he's Superamazingawesome.

3. Banana Bread Beer

I think one of the main reasons I love Dave is because he introduced me to this stuff. No jokes. It's amazing.

4. Elizabeth Hayes

This little package of ADORBZ kept me entertained all day on Sunday. She's also the daughter of one of the most intimidatingly smart people I've ever met (who also plays the saxaphone... legit).

5. Back to the Future

Watching it curled up on the couch with delish home-made pizza (and by 'home-made', I mean that Dave made it and I watched) was a beautiful moment. Natasha has been inducted into the family.

6. A different bed

Sleeping in a bed that has no Natasha in it was different and wonderful, and scary, and cool, and not cool, and amazing, and weird all at the same time.

7. Snow

It didn't like 'settle' or anything, but big fairytale flakes were just enough to make my heart blush. I do love the snow. There's something magical and significant about it. Good things happen in the snow. Namely, Natasha and I dancing around like fools.

8. The C.S. Lewis Reserve

This place has a special place in my heart. Such beautiful, clear memories. I'm stoked I got to take Natasha up there (and that we found the rope swing).

9. Burford

It's a tiny dorpie town. Ka-ute! Sweet shops that make you look around for little school children dropping mice into the jars; ridiculously cheesy curio shops; restaurants that make your mouth water and then satisfy your dribbling visage with absolute decadance. Again, refer to Natasha's post.

10. Delays

On the way back, we were delayed on the Eurostar for 6 hours. This turned out not to be too bad, because people on trains are awesome, and the bar gave us free drinks. Yay for meeting new people, and for Paris at 3 in the morning.

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